Purpose of the blog: Online Presence

In 2011, the Learning Centre at Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, New Zealand, will provide extra online learning support to both distance and on-site students. We want to utilize the Internet more, and be available over a greater range of hours. The student-dedicated blog to accompany this is USE IT OR LOSE IT!

"Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people" - William Butler Yeats

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

A primer/sampler/essential hits compilation

Keep watching this space! I'll try with this post to maintain a list of useful bits and pieces for the newbie to gain an introduction to all things technological.

  1. Click here for a 7-minute podcast presentation concerning the new technology as it applies to language learning.
  2. Click here for a brief description of and recomendation to use del.icio.us as a tagging system to keep tabs on Internet websites.
  3. Click here to view (and listen to) an 8-minute demonstration of how Wikipedia works
  4. Click here to view a 50-second presentation of whatGoogle reader, a web feeder, is.

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